It’s held in trust in your name
Your Hnry Account is held in trust in your name (this means the money in it always belongs to you!). Hnry Accounts are provided by Monoova (Cuscal Ltd).
It keeps all your taxes up to date
Getting paid into your Hnry account means we can get your tax rates exactly right, and can lodge your tax returns without asking you for lots of information. No need for bank feeds or manual reconciliations!
It means what you get paid is yours to keep
Every time you get paid, we automatically calculate, deduct, and pay exactly the right amount of all your taxes. We then immediately send the rest to your personal bank account — that money is yours to keep.

The transition to being a contractor using Hnry was basically seamless. Hnry just makes everything so much easier.
Lachlan Mcgregor
Contractor Builder
As soon as my client has paid me - Hnry sends me an email telling me I just got paid.
The money goes into my Hnry Account, from which Hnry deducts my Superannuation, Medicare, income tax, and GST - and then they give me the rest!
Angela Van Wijk
Freelance Photographer
As soon as my client has paid me - Hnry sends me an email telling me I just got paid.
The money goes into my Hnry Account, from which Hnry deducts my Super, Medicare, income tax, and investments - and then they give me the rest!
Nigel Malone
Independent Contractor
I can send an invoice, then the payment goes straight into my Hnry account. Hnry allocates money to my taxes, Super, Medicare and student loan, as well as GST. Within a couple of hours, I then get the rest of the money into my own personal bank account.
Abbey Palmer
Self-employed Health ProfessionalHow Hnry helps

Taxes calculated and paid automatically
Whenever you get paid, Hnry calculates, deducts, and pays your income tax, GST, Medicare, and Student Loan - so you’re always up-to-date on your tax payments.

All your returns lodged by expert accountants
As part of the service, our accountants will manage your expenses and lodge all of your returns (income tax, BAS and PAYG instalments) whenever they’re due.

Create invoices & raise expenses on the go
Send unlimited invoices to your clients in seconds and raise expenses on the go for immediate tax relief - all within our revolutionary app.
Hnry (Australia) Pty. Limited is a registered
tax agent with the Australian Tax Practitioners Board