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Tax Resources

Taking the mystery out of tax for freelancers, contractors and the sole traders.

Australian Self-Employed Tax Calculator

As a sole trader, it can be tricky to figure out how much to set aside for your annual tax bill. Most income tax calculators are meant for p...

Cash Flow for Sole Traders

We all love talking about profit – who doesn’t enjoy seeing those numbers climb? But there’s another financial concept that’s equally, if no...

Claiming vehicle expenses as a sole trader

As a sole trader, you might use your car or other motor vehicle as part of your business. And who wouldn’t appreciate some tax relief on th...

The sole trader guide to ATO lodgements

You’re a one-person operation, an independent business owner, a sole trader if you will, and you’re wondering what the heck your obligations...

The sole trader's guide to tax deductions

“I think I should pay more income tax,” said no sole trader ever. If you’re self-employed and/or running your own business, you know how ha...

What is GST, and how does it work?

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a consumption tax that’s charged on most goods and services in Australia. It’s called a consumption tax...

How to register as an ABN Sole Trader

Setting yourself up as a sole trader is not a complex task and usually doesn’t cost you anything - unless you use a third party. The first s...

[Infographic] Expenses tradies should be claiming

Here is a list of common expenses tradies can raise as part of their day-to-day business activity. While this list doesn’t have everything y...

Medicare guide for sole traders

If you’ve ever, say, accidentally dislocated your shoulder while snowboarding, you’re probably familiar with (and grateful for) Medicare. Bu...

Preparing for the end of the financial year

For many sole traders, the end of the financial year (EOFY) can be a stressful and confusing time. From calculating your taxes, to filling...

[Quiz] Should you register as a company or a sole trader?

Many sole traders think that they have to register a Pty Limited company in order to trade. This is a common misconception. In fact, there...

The sole trader guide to ABNs

If you’re a sole trader working in Australia, you’re likely to have heard of an Australian Business Number (ABN). In fact, you probably alre...

Sole trader's guide to depreciation

Note: From 1st July 2020 to the 30th of June 2023, the ATO allowed businesses to claim the full cost of an asset in the year it was purchase...

Tax rates for sole traders

Whether you work for an employer or for yourself as a sole trader, taxes are unfortunately a fact of life. As much as we would all like to f...

Sole trader guide to the new financial year

According to our latest research, Australian sole traders spend an average of 8 hours a week and $299 a month managing their tax and financi...

What are PAYG instalments?

If you’re a sole trader, chances are you’ve received an unexpected tax bill at some point. Calculating your own taxes can be complicated, an...

The NDIS support worker's guide to tax deductions

In a perfect world, claiming tax deductions would be simple. But, we live in the real world, where the tax rules are (necessarily) complex....

Temporary Full Expensing guide for sole traders

Note: Temporary full expensing is no longer available for assets purchased after 30th June 2023. You may need to claim depreciation instead....

The End of the Financial Year with Hnry

Done with DIYing your own taxes? Out of patience with your out-of-touch accountant? Welcome to the end of the financial year (EOFY) with Hnr...

Lodge your tax return before October 31st

The tax lodgement deadline – October 31st – is fast approaching. But who is it for? And what happens after you lodge? Well, if you’re a sol...

The sole trader guide to student loan repayments

If you’re an Aussie with a degree, you’re probably familiar with Australia’s student loan system (HECS/HELP). Essentially, you borrow a smal...

The sole trader’s guide to tax file numbers

As a sole trader, you’re constantly juggling numbers. Profit margins, expense reports, invoices – the list goes on! And the ATO has thrown a...

Your tradie guide to tax deductions

It’s pretty common knowledge that you can (legally!) lower your tax bill by claiming tax deductions for business expenses. But what does th...

What are PAYG instalments?

If you’re a sole trader, chances are you’ve received an unexpected tax bill at some point. Calculating your own taxes can be complicated, an...

What is a BAS - and how do sole traders lodge it?

When starting out as a sole trader, there are a lot of things you need to be across: how to promote your business, how to price your service...

What is a tax refund?

Getting a tax refund can sometimes feel like hitting the jackpot. A few hundred dollars hitting your bank account out of nowhere? Sweet! Bu...

Sole trader guide to paying taxes on your second job

Ever wondered why you’re paying different amounts of tax on income from your self-employed side gig and your main PAYG job? Or whether you’r...