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Experts - never think about tax again

Expert360 has partnered with Hnry to bring automated tax payments and lodgments for Experts!

Hnry for Experts

All your taxes calculated and paid automatically.All your returns lodged by accountants.

Special offer

Experts - sign up for Hnry using the button below to get $50 in Hnry credit!

Designed for contractors and consultants

Taxes calculated and paid automatically

Whenever you get paid, Hnry calculates, deducts, and pays your income tax, GST, Medicare, and Student Loan - so you’re always up-to-date on your tax payments.

All your returns lodged by expert accountants

As part of the service, our accountants will manage your expenses and lodge all of your returns (income tax, BAS and PAYG instalments) whenever they’re due.

Unlimited support from tax specialists

As part of the service you get FULL access to our team of expert local accountants. Our team will answer any question and typically respond in minutes!

It’s easy to get started with Hnry

" Hnry’s not like other accounting software because it’s really simple to use, it’s really easy to set up, and you have real accountants from Hnry working with you - you can’t go wrong with it. " Shelley Breen Business Management Contractor

How Hnry works


Sign up to Hnry anywhere, anytime, in less than 60 seconds, and you’ll get given your own unique Hnry Account


Provide those Hnry Account details to Expert360, so that they know you’re with Hnry, and we’ll take care of everything else.


Whenever you get paid in to your Hnry Account, we’ll automatically calculate, deduct and pay all your taxes (Income Tax, GST, Medicare, Student Loan) before immediately passing your money on to you, along with a Payslip.

Peace of mind on your taxes

" When you move into contracting you want to have confidence quickly, that you’re not digging yourself a hole. When it comes to tax affairs now with Hnry, taxes are something I don’t have to think about. " Nigel Malone Independent Contractor

Never think about tax again!

Contractors - stop worrying about unexpected tax bills and join Hnry today!

Join Now

It’s always easy to switch to Hnry!

There’s no need to wait for the end of a tax year - we make it simple and seamless to make the switch to Hnry. Our accounting team can get all your prior tax information and expenses transferred over in minutes - which means you can finally get peace of mind on all your obligations as a contractor.

Everything in one place

" Hnry’s great, it looks at tax for contractors in a completely different way. I can send invoices with a click of a button, claim expenses, I receive payslips, all while Hnry is deducting and paying my tax on the go - it’s everything in one spot! " Richard Capie Construction Consultant

How Much Does Hnry Cost?

We charge a 1% fee on income paid into your Hnry Account. For that fee, you get full access to the Hnry service – there are no joining fees or subscription costs. That means you only pay when you’re earning! We don’t charge by the hour to manage your expense receipts or file your tax returns - so you’re always paying a fair price. If you earn over $150,000, our fees are capped at $1,500 per year - so if you’re a high-earner, you’ll never pay above the cap!