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Contractors - Never think about tax again

Your taxes calculated and paid automatically. Your returns lodged by accountants.


Our awards

How it works


Join Hnry, and have all of your contracting income paid into your new Hnry Account


That’s it! Whenever a client or recruiter pays you into that account, we will calculate, deduct and pay all your taxes straight away, before passing what’s yours on to you immediately. That money is yours to keep!


As part of the service, we’ll also lodge all your tax returns for free whenever they’re due, and we’ll even chase down any overdue invoices if your clients are late paying

Only pay when you’re earning!

We charge a 1% +GST fee on income paid into your Hnry Account. For this, you get full access to the Hnry service, with no joining fees or subscription costs. We won’t charge you by the hour to answer your questions, manage your expense receipts or file your tax returns - so you’re always paying a fair price, and only paying as you earn. Here’s how our pricing works:

  • You pay just $1+ GST from every $100 in self-employed income you earn.
  • The Hnry’s 1% fee is capped at a maximum of $1,500 per year.
  • If you receive individual payments of under $50, a minimum fee of $0.50 per payment applies.
  • We automatically claim your Hnry fees for you as a business expense.

It’s always easy to switch to Hnry!

There’s no need to wait for the end of a tax year - we make it simple and seamless to make the switch to Hnry. Our accounting team can get all your prior tax information and expenses transferred over in minutes - which means you can finally get peace of mind on all your obligations as a contractor.