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Smart payment options for sole traders

As part of the service, Hnry customers get several easy payment options to offer their clients.

Payments with Hnry

Hnry's smart payment options make it simple to get paid quickly and easily for the work you do.

Your clients can pay online by credit card

Included with the service, our online card payment option is automatically added to every invoice sent from the Hnry app - there’s no setup or configuration required!

Raise expenses with the snap of a photo

Get paid on the go with an mPOS terminal

If you take payment in person, no problem! You can easily configure an mPOS terminal to send payments into your Hnry Account, where we'll sort all your taxes!!

Invoice easily and get paid 8 days faster

Easily integrate with payment platforms

If you prefer to keep your existing payment platform - whether it's Stripe, Paypal or any other - it takes just minutes to integrate with Hnry.

Get set up to receive money from anywhere

Hnry provides everything you need to accept payments from whatever payment platform you prefer. Your clients will automatically have the option to pay your invoices with a debit/credit card at no extra cost to you. You can set up direct banking transfers, including transfers from overseas or in different currencies – or easily integrate with Stripe, Paypal, or any POS platform!

Do you have an eCommerce or Retail Store?

If you run an eCommerce store, simply update your online store’s payment provider (Stripe, PayPal, etc.) to deposit funds straight into your Hnry Account.If you have an in-person retail shop, then you can easily integrate with an mPOS or EFTPOS terminal to pay directly into your Hnry Account.