Tradies - Never think about tax again™
Your taxes calculated and paid automatically. Your returns lodged by accountants.
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Hnry for Tradies
Join Hnry and save up to 150 hours per year on your tax and financial admin!

Taxes calculated and paid automatically
Whenever you get paid, Hnry calculates, deducts, and pays your income tax, GST, Medicare, and Student Loan - so you’re always up-to-date on your tax payments.

All your returns lodged by expert accountants
As part of the service, our accountants will manage your expenses and lodge all of your returns (income tax, BAS and PAYG instalments) whenever they’re due.

Easily manage your cash flow
We'll pay the right amount of tax on your invoices, separating out your nontaxable expenses, such as materials and subcontractors, helping you maximise your cash flow.

The transition to being a contractor using Hnry was basically seamless. Hnry just makes everything so much easier.
Lachlan Mcgregor
Contractor Builder
Allocations, expenses, uploading of receipts. It’s good that Hnry can bring it all together as one. Rather having this software for this and that software for that. It’s all just magical to me!
Bowlen Tui
Self-employed Gardener
Raising expenses through Hnry is super easy. Simply upload a receipt and explain what it’s for and later that day you’ll find out if it’s been approved or not. It definitely motivates your more to enter your expenses!
Lachlan Mcgregor
Contractor Builder
I don’t have to worry about keeping aside taxes. Not only does Hnry offer quoting and invoicing, but they’re looking out for me at tax time as well.
Knowing Hnry’s going to do my end of year tax gives me a lot of peace of mind.
Warwick Chinn
Carpentry Contractor
Hnry encapsulates everything from invoicing and expenses to automatically deducting and paying my taxes and lodging my returns. It makes you look fantastic, it legitimizes your business, and it’s super easy to use.
Nick Whitehead
Self-employed TradieWhat you get with Hnry…
1. Automatic tax calculations and payments
Whenever you get paid into your Hnry Account, we will instantly calculate and pay your:
- Income tax
- Medicare
- Student loan

3. The new Hnry Debit Card
We’ve made claiming tax deductions even easier with the Hnry Debit Card. Simply:
- Tap your Hnry Debit Card anywhere that accepts VISA (in store via your digital wallet, or online) to make your business purchases.
- Snap and upload a picture of the receipt and we'll automatically raise this as a business expense in the Hnry app.
- Confirm the details, throw that receipt away and we'll manage the rest!

4. We become your accountant
Our team of (real human) accountants will:
- Lodge your income tax and BAS returns whenever they’re due
- Manage your expenses whenever you raise them, so you get tax relief as you go
- Give personalised answers to your gnarliest tax questions
Our system will fluctuate your tax rates up and down throughout the year (not a random fixed percentage like, say, 55%), based on how much you are earning and how much you’re claiming in tax deductions. For this system to work correctly, it needs the right information from you, particularly about any earnings you’ve had prior to starting with Hnry.
Want to get up and running with Hnry?
It’s super easy to get started and only takes a few minutes!
Need a little extra help? Check out our handy guide to get you set up and running in just three simple steps.Only pay when you’re earning!
We charge a 1% +GST fee on income paid into your Hnry Account. For this, you get full access to the Hnry service, with no joining fees or subscription costs. We won’t charge you by the hour to answer your questions, manage your expense receipts or file your tax returns - so you’re always paying a fair price, and only paying as you earn. Here’s how our pricing works:
- You pay just $1+ GST from every $100 in self-employed income you earn.
- The Hnry’s 1% fee is capped at a maximum of $1,500 per year.
- If you receive individual payments of under $50, a minimum fee of $0.50 per payment applies.
- We automatically claim your Hnry fees for you as a business expense.