Tradies: 6 tips for getting paid on time
This article was written by our friends at Sprintlaw. Sprintlaw offer affordable online legal services for startups and small businesses. ...
7 myths about Hnry
Over the years, we’ve seen a few weird misconceptions about Hnry floating around the internet. We’re not fans of that. So it’s time to mythb...
How to budget as a sole trader
As a sole trader, you are your business – meaning that your business finances are an extension of sorts of your personal finances. Because...
Contractor vs Employee
If you’re currently considering switching jobs - or even careers - you may have come across job ads for both full-time employment and fixed-...
Even freelancers need a little holiday...
For many self-employed people, holidays are a complete fantasy. Permanent staff have the luxury of taking a holiday (or being sick) knowing...
Guide to using freelance platforms
For many freelancers, especially those new to the game, freelancing platforms can seem an attractive way to promote yourself to develop netw...
The freelancer’s guide to personal branding
Whether you’ve actively crafted one or not, you already have a personal brand. People hear your name and think of certain things, feel speci...
Grow Your Freelance Work by Posting Regularly on LinkedIn
The holy grail for any freelancer is a steady trickle of new clients and projects coming in. This gives you three great advantages: You...
A guide to pricing yourself as a freelancer
As a freelancer, how you price your work has a huge impact on your career. Charge too much, and you may not get enough work to stay busy. C...
Hiring employees as a sole trader
Everyone needs an extra pair of hands on occasion, and sole traders are no exception. You may have gone into business on your own, but now y...
How to be productive and focused while working from home
We’ve all been there as freelancers. You sit down at your kitchen table to do some work when you realise you haven’t put the trash out and t...
How to become an independent support worker
Ok, so you’ve made the decision: you want to become an independent support worker. Step one achieved. But now, you’re probably wondering how...
How to build an effective sales pipeline
We turned to freelance copywriter, Sam Grover, for his thoughts on why a sales pipeline is critical to your success as a freelancer. Sam als...
Calculating the cost of your financial admin
Most sole traders don’t think about the full cost of sorting out their financial admin. Our financial admin calculator can help. A lot of p...
How to cope with inflation
as a sole traderWe’re not going to sugarcoat it; inflation has been especially hard on sole traders. If you’ve been feeling the cost-of-living pinch, you...
Contractors: How to find your next contract
One of the biggest myths about being a contactor is that it’s less stable than being a permanent employee. That’s true for some independent...
How to grow your freelance business through networking
As a freelancer, I often feel like I work in a vacuum. Generally I work alone, which means I don’t have a team around me to celebrate with....
How to measure and grow your sole trader business profit
As a sole trader, solely in charge of your business, you may have some questions around profit. Like, for example, what is it? How important...
How to pay yourself as a sole trader
Being a sole trader means you and your business are one, especially when it comes to finances (you don’t even need a separate business bank...
How to set your future self up for financial success
This article was written by our friends at Spaceship. Spaceship offer a simple and afforable way to get you started in investing. You’re r...
How to start investing as a sole trader
This article was written by our friends at Sharesies.The Sharesies platform is a wealth development platform with the purpose of creating fi...
Insurance guide for sole traders
DISCLAIMER: The information on this page is intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. It does not take...
Insurance guide for tradies
Being a tradie is all about the hard yakka. The last thing you need is to have to deal with other distractions – like stolen tools, time off...
Invoicing made easy with Hnry
An invoice is an extension of your relationship with your client. No matter how good your work is, or how incredible your products are, if...
Hnry’s Multicultural Morning Tea 2024
At Hnry Australia, it is not uncommon to hear, ‘ooh, what’s that’ or ‘that smells amazing’ when lunchtime hits. Instead of continuing to dr...
Self-employed tradies: the 5 most common tax mistakes
For many self-employed tradies, setting up your business and understanding the tax system can be complex, time-consuming, and costly, especi...
Sole trader business finance - Learn the basics
Thinking about launching a sole trader business and making it profitable? Awesome! We’re here to cheer you on every step of the way. First...
Superannuation for sole traders
If you’re a sole trader running your own show, there’s a good chance superannuation is sitting at the bottom of your to-do list. That’s pro...
Tired of doing your own taxes?
Tired of Doing Your Own Taxes? You’re in the Right Place Joining Hnry is so simple, you barely have to think about it. You can also join at...
Effortlessly switch from Xero to Hnry
Ready to switch to Hnry from Xero? We’re excited to have you on board. The good news is the process is so simple, you barely have to think...
The Best Tools for Contractors and Freelancers
When you work independently as a contractor or freelancer, it becomes really obvious just how much your time is worth. That’s why it’s impo...
The graphic designer’s guide to growing your freelance business
As freelancers, there are always things we can do to start, grow, or scale our businesses. But it can be hard to know where to start or what...
The ultimate guide to invoicing like a pro
If you’re a sole trader who invoices their client, you (hopefully) know that invoices are more than a few scribbled details on a scrap piece...
Guide to being a contractor
Contracting is an amazing way of life. When you go out contracting, numerous benefits open up: A better work/life balance: as your own b...
Your guide to becoming a sole trader
Ready to become a sole trader and launch your own business? Fantastic! But before you dive in, there are a few things you’ll need to know....
Your guide to identifying online scams
To put it mildly, being scammed is a horrible experience. Depending on method and intent, you can lose your savings, your privacy, your sens...